Monday 13 June 2011



Homework for Friday 17th June
Reading –  3 nights (none for Wednesday)
Blog - Read new Blog post on Cycling 
Progress Jotter – Stick in Progress Sheet and complete.
New section to discuss with parent
Language - Using a thesaurus, write out the first 5 meanings of the following; (a) funny (b) energy
(c) hurricane (d) tell (e) large
Tour Guiding - If needed, spend some time on script


Here is the p6 class preparing for our cycling proficiency. We receive four afternoons of lessons before our test on Monday, 13th June.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Hoy Day 3

Our last day in Hoy was wet and windy, but at the Hoy Lodge woods it was sheltered.
Our first activity was creating a miniature national park - each one was different and special.

A few of the parks had water features.
 We made camp at the big shelter and had our lunch.
Emma and Ron got the Kelly Kettles going.

In the big shelter.!
 We got busy making some forest art with the things we found around us.

Artists at work - careful where you step!

Follow the leader.
 We did the blindfold obstacle course in groups of five.
Then it was time to pack up and make sure we 'left no trace' of our visit, but the next people to visit might see a few of these....

Art on the forest floor.
Muddy and tired we set off to do the final pack up and set off for the boat.
We had a think about our favourite activity,
something we learned and something we would like to do more of.

Thank you to Ron and Emma for a great trip to Hoy!

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Hoy day 2

Day 2 dawned sunny and bright and the groups set off for canoeing and walking to the Old Man of Hoy.

Journey to the Bothy.
 One group paddled in the burn at Rackwick while the other walked.

On the way back.
 It was tempting to jump into the burn to cool off!

The Old Man in the distance on the return journey.
Tonight we have more evening activity at the Hoy Centre.
We are hoping for more good weather tomorrow!

Monday 30 May 2011

Hoy day 1 evening activities

After dinner we went down to the beach and had a treasure hunt and tried a colour matching quiz.

Mermaid's purse/
 We found plenty of human rubbish which was a danger to animals, as well as evidence that there was plenty of animal life around .


Birds nest in the sand.
 Each group had a turn at archery. Everyone learned how to aim and shoot.

Archery as the sun goes down.
 Soon it was time to go back to the Centre for supper and bedtime.
We'll sleep well tonight!

Waiting for a turn to shoot.
Looking forward to tomorrow already.

Hoy day 1

It was lovely and sunny as we set off this morning for Hoy.
Along with a few tourists we loaded our bags and waved to our mums and dads on the pier.

Goodbye Stromness! Hello Hoy!
 Very soon we had arrived in Hoy, jumped in the minibuses and arrived at the Hoy Centre.
After getting our kit, we had lunch and set off for some gorge walking.

Happy gorgewalkers!
 A gentle start  let everyone get used to wet feet.

Everyone helped each other.

Three points of contact.
 Soon everyone was enjoying being in such a special place and seeing nature from a different perspective.
Travelling in groups.

The gorge gets steeper.
At the end of the gorge there were a couple of caves to explore before making our way back up. By then  we were experienced gorge walkers and we made quick work of getting back to the top.

Back to the Hoy Centre for dinner and a change of clothes.
This evening beach activities and archery!